Category: News

Adam Shead
February 25, 2022  /  News

Full Cycle, Thread New is a long form composition in three movements by Chicago multi-disciplinary artist Adam Shead. The piece focuses heavily on concepts of reformation, regeneration, non-linear time dynamics, and cyclical history. Throughout the thr …

Joan Hutton & Sue Orfield
January 28, 2022  /  News

Take That Back is the dynamic debut by the inventive Midwest jazz quintet led by veteran composers/saxophonists Joan Hutton and Sue Orfield. The album draws on its leaders’ passion for origi- nal music and their mutual joy in pursuing unpredictable mus …

January 21, 2022  /  News

We’ve added a limited time FIVE CD MYSTERY PACK to our merch store for just $20!!! We will curate five surprise CDs from our back catalog and ship them to your doorstep!

Zacc Harris with his Sadowsky semi hollow archtop guitar
September 17, 2021  /  News

Like many musicians, Twin Cities–based guitarist Zacc Harris takes constant inspiration from the midsixties Miles Davis Quintet featuring Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, and Tony Williams. History being what it is, no rational mode …

August 30, 2021  /  News

We are very excited to launch our brand new (and long overdue) website. Check out the homepage with new and upcoming releases, plus our Facebook and Twitter feeds. The albums page now gives you the option to listen to the Bandcamp embed but also to cli …