Cory Healey’s unique drumming has led to collaborations with artists from many different genres. He has toured North America and Europe and had the privilege of performing with Kenny Wheeler, Dr Lonnie Smith, and John Abercrombie. While living in Chicago, he performed and recorded with Algernon, Fareed Haque’s Flat EarthEnsemble, and W.W. Lowman. In 2013, Healey moved to the Minneapolis, where he’s worked with some of the Twin Cities’ most prominent artists including Dead Man Winter, Dosh, Marijuana Deathsquads, and Anthony Cox. Healey leads The Beautiful Sunshine Band which features Erik Fratzke (bass), Noah Ophoven-Badwin (cornet), Jake Baldwin (trumpet), and Zacc Harris (guitar). The music traverses bebop, free jazz, ambient, and doom metal.